Ultimate Enlightenment for 2012: All We Need is Ourselves
by Michele Doucette
174 pages, paperback
2011/ St. Clair Publications $16.95 USD
December 21st, 2012 is the last recorded date of the Mayan calendar. Many have feared this date, buying into the “end of the world” hype and are preparing for what they deem inevitable doom and destruction. Writer Michele Doucette is among the countless others who have sensed the seeds of a new awakening of higher consciousness and see 2012 as an opportunity instead for people all over the world to make positive, profound changes in our thinking and enter a new phase of promise, hope, and positive direction for ourselves and our planet. Her new book, “The Ultimate Enlightenment for 2012: All We Need is Ourselves” explains the true significance of 2012.
Page after page, this book will answer your questions and explain what we can do now to prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually toward our role in contributing to a smooth transition in the World’s awakening into a new age of peace and positive direction. Even better, this gem of a book is filled to brimming with all the resources we need to lead us through our journey. Prepare yourself to be surprised on every page. You will be lovingly guided, reaffirming in your mind your own spiritual path as you read that which you have always known to be true, and realizing at last that it can be!
If you want real-world inspiration and guidance in making some real and positive changes in your world, “The Ultimate Enlightenment for 2012: All We Need is Ourselves” is the book for you.
~~The CatHerder
available through St. Clair Publications and