Create mouthwatering BBQ and turn your grill into a championship cooker
Why be ordinary when your grilllin' can be great!
Get your seasons and splash by calling 864.214.6109 or go to and forward your order request
Uncle Rob's Grillin' Splash - $5.95 + s&h, Dry Rub - $4.95 + s&h

Food should be Gluten-Free, Not Taste-Free
Many who switched over to a gluten-free diet say that they now realize more mental peace, less depression, a better mood, clearer skin, higher mental capacity and concentration, a reduction of pain, less mucus buildup, and lower weight gain. Not only all that but they just pain feel better.
Let’s face it, over 50 million people simply can’t handle gluten.
If you are tired of being tired and sick of being sick and just want a better you, a gluten-free diet might just be the answer.
Often gluten-free means taste-free…until now. Now you can ADD flavor to everything you eat while being sure that you aren’t adding unwanted gluten to your meals.
Order Uncle Rob’s Grillin’ Dry Rub & All-purpose Seasoning by calling 864-214-6109. Allow 7 – 10 days for delivery.
For more info and recipes, go to