What's in our own libraries:
The Other Side: The True Story of the Boy Who Sees Ghosts by Denice Jones 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon by Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon The Holy Bible The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (on the life of Walter Russell) by Glenn Clark
Book Reviews
The Ghost PRO team keeps in mind that to inform and educate our guests we must first and foremost educate ourselves by study, collaboration and, of course, field experience. Thus, we are always drawing from our growing library of books on the subject of the Paranormal. All views, theories, opinions and categories, from both the scientific and metaphysical realms, cross our nightstands.
2008 Stan St. Clair Publications/$17.95 Amazon .com Paperback, 196 Pages Illustrated by the Etchings of the Old masters “Seekers of the truth have long questioned the true identity of many mysterious and legendary persons and groups of people introduced in the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity….This work is offered as a challenge for readers to dig deeper into the stories presented in biblical narratives, and draw less biased conclusions based on a greater assemblage of available facts.” So begins the author’s introduction to the gem, Mysterious People of the Bible: In the Light of History by Stanley J. St. Clair…..more Ghosts in American Houses by James Reynolds 1955/Bonanza Books-Crown Publishers/$12.50~$5.00 (Year/Publisher/Price-New/Used) 229 Pages - illustrated by James Reynolds I love books. I especially love old books. I also love ghost stories. I especially love "true" ghost stories, so when my daughter and her fiance surprised me with a gift combining my two passions which they had discovered on a neglected shelf in a quaint little antiques shop, it placed no strain upon the imagination to understand the anticipatory fire of affection kindled in me before I had even lain my covetous mitts upon the newest addition to my collection of supernatural sagas....more Magic Tree House Research Guide: Ghosts A nonfiction companion to A Good Night for Ghosts by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce; illustrated by Sal Murdocca Got a young ghostbuster in your house? So, where you gonna find a good book on paranormal research that appeals to an eager eight year-old who wants the FACTS about ghosts sans the “boo-berries and ghost toasties” style of your average not-really-serious book of ghost stories? Check out The Magic Tree House Research Guide: Ghosts billed as a non-fiction companion to A Good Night for Ghosts.....more Strange Phenomena by Peter Henshaw The selling point for this work lies most strongly not within the text but within the over 200 color and black and white photographs that accompany it. Vivid and crisp, hauntingly beautiful, and in a few instances shockingly graphic (the aftermath of spontaneous human combustion cases and sky burials), the illustrations effortlessly capture the eye and persuade even the most casual browser to delve further to appease a sense of curiosity and wonder....more
Ghosts - True Encounters With the World
Beyond When Ghosts Speak Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits by Mary Ann Winkowski Mary Ann Winkowski can see and talk to ghosts. Just as simply as you and I meet and greet our fellow humans, she does the same with earthbound spirits. I had not been familiar with Mary Ann before I discovered this book and was surprised to learn she is the consultant for the hit show Ghost Whisperer and has worked closely with police departments and the FBI....more Phenomenon - Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal by Sylvia Browne The book Phenomenon – Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal is a dictionary of sorts. However, instead of short abbreviated answers like you find in most dictionaries, author Sylvia Browne goes into detail defining words most commonly used in the paranormal world....more Contacting Your Spirit Guide – Revised Edition bySylvia Browne This revised edition of Contacting Your Spirit Guide includes a new section called “A Day in the Life of a Spirit Guide” from Sylvia's spirit guide Francine. It also comes with a free “Spirit Meditation Guide” CD. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, Sylvia not only defines what spirit guides are, she helps you find your own spirit guide as well....more Interdimensional Universe: The new Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena & Otherdimensional Beings by Philip Imbrogno As the time had come to up my knowledge on UFO sightings and theories, a subject on which I had yet not studied in depth, I headed off to the local bookstore to find an informative read on the subject. Interdimensional Universe proved to be exactly the book to provide that information....more Ghosts of the Carolinas by NANCY ROBERTS Think back...think way back....to the those hazy warm primary school days when having mastered the rudimentary ABC's and 1+1=2 equations we were trundled into a hushed cavernous sanctuary known as the library and were expected to choose one book that would hopefully expand our prepubescent horizons in the week before we repeated the ritual....more The Case for Ghosts: An
Objective Look at the Paranormal
Cat's Picks
Here is a list of book recommendations
from Chip Coffey's (well-known psychic/medium) website/message
boards that he says are "must reads" for those interested in
spiritual/paranormal subjects. They are:
* For ghost hunting:
Ghost Hunting by Jason Hawes *For Scientific Theories that Support
Psychic Reality: *The Seth Books and Jane Roberts,
the greatest collection of mediumistic writings ever assembled: *For psychic development and
protection, read:
Psychic Development for Beginners:
An Easy Guide to Developing and Releasing Your Psychic Abilities
by William W. Hewitt