"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." ~~ Mark Twain |
All Quiet in Keowee
The sweet scent of sage curled toward the high ceiling in
smoky wisps as the members of the Ghost PRO team spoke the final
syllables of a simple prayer that had already been invoked in every
other room of the house. The cleansing and protective smudging ceremony
had begun downstairs and ended upstairs in the spacious glass-walled
living room......MORE
The Cat's Meow
Members of the Ghost PRO team
were touched not once, but several times by what felt like a cat rubbing
our legs at a lovely old homestead near Greenwood, SC.......
A message from beyond???
This old photograph mysteriously appeared in the grass
beside some steps to an old chicken barn in Liberty just moments after
one of the GhostPRO team had navigated down those same steps. The
property owners did not recognize the person. But we do love a mystery,
so stay tuned for the results after our analysis and....a bit of extra
research in search of the identity of the person in the photograph.
And what of the laughter, heard and
commented on by Cat, yet silent to the others of the team....until we
reviewed the EVP tapes and videos.
Springwood Cemetery Hunt,
Greenville, SC Orbs,
orbs, orbs! The gravestones record the legacies those buried
in this historic cemetery.
The Three Guardians, Greenville County, SC A swelteringly humid July evening saw the return of the GHOST PRO team to Poinsett Bridge in northern Greenville County. Though only six months had passed since the site had been initially investigated, a lot of changes had occurred for the group. New members had joined the family and others had departed, choosing to follow other paths. Photos and EVP from the former visit only tweaked the desire of the ones who hadn't been there to experience it for themselves....... FULL STORY, CLIPS & PHOTOS
Dock St. Residual Haunting
Picture a quaint mill village, the sort that prospered in the heyday of
textiles. Architecturally distinguished from its neighbors only by on
which side the second floor's dormer window projected, these sturdily
framed pastel homes clustered within reach of the looming shadows cast
by the austere hub of the town, the great ceaseless cotton mill. In rows
lining narrow streets, with neatly tended kitchen gardens and adjacent
yards separated only by a low fence or hedge which, rather than
enforcing privacy, invited a few stolen moments of idle pleasant chatter
while hanging out the day's wash.
The Paranormal Pup, Fountain
Inn, SC
entertainment, protection, loyalty....all excellent reasons why dogs are
considered mans' best friend, but can being a ghost detector fall in
there too? Everyone has heard remarkable stories of the extraordinary
feats pets are capable of performing...the cat who dialed 9-1-1 when
it's owner was having a heart attack or the dog who awakened the family
in time to save them from a burning home. Amazing indeed, but not
without some precedent. It has been documented that animals possess an
ability to predict natural phenomena........
Body Shop Green Man , Spartanburg, SC It's the case every paranormal investigator dreams of...multiple reliable witnesses to strange happenings, odd noises, physical contact, big, heavy objects falling without reason or cause,a clear color photograph of a very green entity that no one could account for, a traceable site history that involved a possible murder , and a former site of worship -- the GhostPRO team was more than ready to gear up and get to the bottom of this when the call came .....FULL STORY, CLIPS & PHOTOS Children's Cemetery, Greenville, SC This was a Friday the 13th hunt at Duncan Chapel. The road to the ruins, off Buncombe Rd., deadends into the site of the former chapel. Across from the chapel ruins is what is known as the "Children's Cemetery", as many of the graves are of children......FULL STORY & PHOTOS
Watch "Puff of Ghost"
on YouTube |
Chronology: 4-30-10 All Quiet in Keowee, Seneca, SC 3-20-10 Jan's Orbs, Piedmont, SC 1-18-10 The Old Henhouse Liberty, SC 11-30-09 The Cat's Meow, Hodges, SC 9-13-09 Poinsett Bridge, Greenville County, SC 9-5-09 Springwood Cemetery, Greenville, SC 6-26-09 Dock St.Residual Hauntings, Spartanburg County, SC 4-19-09 Bar & Grille, Easley, SC 3-21-09 Paranormal Pup, Fountain Inn, SC 3-14-09 Body Shop Green Man, Spartanburg, SC 3-7-09 Body Shop Green Man, Spartanburg, SC 2-14-09 Children's Cemetery, Greenville, SC
12-13-08 Poinsett Bridge, Greenville County, SC |