Agnus Dei |
Represents the
Lamb of God. |
Alpha and
Omega |
First and last
letters of the Greek alphabet. Symbolizes the beginning and
the end. |
Legion |
Found on graves
of people who were American Legion members, an organization
for veterans. |
Anchor |
Hope or eternal
life. Often on sailors' graves. Anchors are also a Masonic
symbol for well-grounded hope, therefore they are often
found on Masons' graves. |
Angel |
A guide to
Saint Matthew, one of the four evangelists, was often
represented as a winged man. |
Ankh |
An Egyptian
symbol of eternal life. |
Anvil |
Symbolizes the
creation or forging of the universe. Also found on
blacksmiths' graves. |
A.O.U.W. |
Ancient Order
of United Workmen, a fraternal benefit society.
Click here for more information (offsite link). |
Apple |
represent salvation, sometimes sin. |
Arch |
The passage to
heaven. |
Arrow |
symbolize mortality and martyrdom. |
Artillery |
Artillery, such
as cannons, on a gravestone usually represents military
service. |
Baha'i |
Symbol of the
Baha'i Faith, a monotheistic religion. For more information,
please visit their
website. |
Beehive |
Often used by
the Freemasons. It symbolizes faith, education, and domestic
virtues. |
Bell |
symbolizes a church bell, and therefore religion. |
Bible or Book |
Often used on
the gravestones of ministers or clergymen. However, it is
sometimes found on gravestones of very devoted religious
people also. Books may also represent a person's good deeds
and accomplishments being recorded in the book of life. |
Bird |
messenger of God. The most common birds found on gravestones
are doves. |
Bones |
Death, decay. |
Boat |
A voyage;
crossing over to the other side. |
B.P.O.E. with
Elk |
B.P.O.E. stands
for Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, a fraternal
organization. |
Broken Bud or
Branch |
Someone who
died an untimely or premature death. Usually seen on a
younger person's gravestone. |
Broken Chain
Link |
Symbolizes a
loss in the family. |
Broken Wheel |
Symbolizes the
end of life; a break in the circle or wheel of life. |
BRT with a
Train |
Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen. A fraternal organization for men who
worked as trainmen. |
Butterfly |
resurrection, and also the soul leaving the body/flesh. |
Calla Lily |
Flower that
represents beauty. |
The Canadian
Legion of British Empire Service League |
A Canadian
organization formed in the 1920's for war veterans and their
dependants. Usually seen with a maple leaf. |
Century Plant |
immortality; everlasting life. |
Circle |
Eternal life -
no beginning, no end. |
Clasped Hands |
Farewell to
earthly existence. Also unity. Deborah, a website visitor,
told me that in the Native American culture clasped hands
represent a Delaware grave. |
Clock |
death; the passage of time. |
Coffin |
mortality and death. |
Cohanim Hands |
Hands with
thumbs (and sometimes forefingers) joined. This is a Jewish
symbol that represents members of the priestly tribe of
Aaron. |
Daughters of the 17th Century |
An organization
for women who descended from an ancestor who rendered
service in the Colonial wars from 1607 to 1699. |
Column |
Mortality. A
draped or broken column represents the break in earthly to
heavenly life. The draped arch also symbolizes mourning. |
Corn |
fertility. |
Cornucopia |
Also known as
the "Horn of Plenty." Symbolizes an abundant, fruitful life.
Also a symbol of the harvest, which in turn symbolizes the
end of life. |
Crooks |
crooks, usually found on graves of Independent Order of Odd
Fellows members (a fraternal organization). Symbolizes the
opening of earth to the heavens. |
Cross |
A cross
represents Christianity. |
Crown |
Victory or
triumph over death. |
Crown and
Cross |
Symbolizes both
victory and Christianity. Also, this symbol sometimes
denotes a member of the York Rite Masons. |
Daisy |
innocence; usually found on graves of young children. |
D.A.R. |
Daughters of
the American Revolution, a non-profit women's organization
for the descendants of American Revolutionary War veterans. |
Dog |
fidelity, watchfulness, and vigilance. |
Drapery |
Mourning. |
Eagle |
Eagles are
often seen on gravestones of Civil War veterans.
Saint John, one of the four evangelists, was often
represented as an eagle. |
Double-headed |
A Masonic
symbol, part of the Scottish Rite. It symbolizes the 32nd
degree in this Rite. |
Eagle with
Symbol of the
Improved Order of Red Men, a patriotic society. Their motto
is Freedom, Friendship, and Charity. |
Eagle with
Symbol of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles, a fraternal organization. |
Eagle with
Symbol of the
Improved Order of Red Men, a patriotic society. TOTE = Totem
of the Eagle. |
Easter Lily |
Chastity. |
Eucharist |
The body and
blood of Christ. Usually found on graves of priests and
nuns. |
Eye |
Usually found
in a triangle or within a sunburst. This is a masonic
symbol. |
F of A |
Foresters of
America, a fraternal society founded in 1895 that provided
life and disability insurance to its members. Usually
contains an eagle, crossed flags, and a deer. Their motto
was Liberty, Unity, Benevolence, and Concord. |
Fallen Tree |
Death. |
(with five-pointed star) |
Motto of the
Order of the Eastern Star; stands for "Fairest Among
Thousands, Altogether Lovely." |
Father Time
and the Weeping Virgin |
carving. The carving consists of a weeping virgin holding a
sprig of acacia in one hand, and an urn in the other hand. A
broken column is in front of her. Father Time is behind her,
attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It
symbolizes that time, patience, and perseverance will
accomplish all things. |
FCB with
Shield and Suit of Armor |
Symbol of the
Knights of Pythias, a fraternal organization. FCB stands for
Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence. |
F.C.L. |
Motto of the
Women's Relief Corp. Stands for "Fraternity, Charity, and
Loyalty." |
Fern |
Humility and
sincerity. |
Fish |
Christianity. |
Flag |
Usually found
on veterans' graves. |
Flame or
Torch |
Eternity. An
upside down torch represents the end of life. |
FLT in Chain
Links |
A symbol of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a fraternal organization.
Stands for Friendship, Love, and Truth. |
Grand Army of
the Republic. A fraternal organization for men who fought
and were honorably discharged from the Union Army during the
Civil War. |
Garland |
Victory in
death. |
Gate |
Passage from
earth to heaven. |
Grapes |
Blood of
Christ. |

Catholic Cross |
Also Russian
Orthodox and Greek Orthodox. They have three bars that
symbolize the cross Christ was crucified on:
*Top Bar - Title Board
*Middle Bar - Board on which the Lord's hands were nailed
*Bottom Bar - The footrest
For more information, please
click here (offsite link, will open in new window).
Derek R., a website visitor, sent me the following
information about this symbol:
In Russia, the slanted bottom section represents St
Andrew's cross. Often there are crosses with another
straight cross above the slanted cross (total of three
straight and one slanted) that represents St Peter's cross. |
Hammer |
A hammer
symbolizes the power of creation. It can also represent the
person's profession. |
Hand Holding
Heart |
The hand
holding a heart is a symbol used by the I.O.O.F (Independent
Order of Odd Fellows) and Masons, both fraternal
organizations. It symbolizes charity. |
Hand Pointing
Up |
Hand pointing
up to heaven. |
Hand Pointing
Down |
The hand of God
descending from heaven. |
Hand writing |
Writing names
in the book of life. Can also be found on writers' graves. |
Hands Praying |
Pious devotion. |
Reaching |
Usually the
hand of God reaching down from the heavens, and the hand of
the deceased reaching up to grab it in greeting. |
Harp |
A harp
symbolizes praise to God. They are often carved with a
broken string, representing a break in mortal life. |
Heart |
Person's spirit
or soul. Sometimes the sacred heart of Christ. |
Hebrew Words |
Hebrew words
for "Here Lies." |
Horse |
Death. White
horses represent good, while black horses represent evil. |
Hourglass |
Passage of
time. |
Hummingbird |
Often found on
infants' gravestones. Usually just decorative. |

Sometimes looks
like a dollar sign. IHS stands for the first three letters
of Jesus' name in the Greek alphabet.
Here's another meaning for IHS, contributed by Jim Miller:
This symbol also stands for "in hoc signo", Latin for "by
this sign we conquer", referring to the cross. It is
actually more involved than that, and apparently also has
some fraternal applications.
Here is the Wikipedia entry for this phrase:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_hoc_signo_vinces |
I.O.M. |
Order of Mechanics. Fraternal organization formed in 1868.
Their symbols include Jacob's Ladder and an ark. |
Ivy |
Friendship. |
Jr. OUAM |
The Junior
Order of United American Mechanics. It is the oldest
fraternal order that is still active in the United States.
It was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1853. For
more information about this organization please see the
website. |
Keystone with
letters HTWSSTKS |
The Masonic
Keystone, which is the Masonic mark of an Ancient Grand
Master. HTWSSTKS stands for "Hiram The Widow's Son Sent To
King Solomon." |
Knot |
A tied knot
symbolizes marriage and unity. |
K of C |
Knights of
Columbus, a fraternal organization for Catholic men. |
Symbol of the
Knights of the Maccabees, a fraternal organization. |
L.A. to B.R.T. |
Symbol of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. |
Lamb |
Lambs are often
seen on children's gravestones. A lamb represents innocence. |
Lamp |
faithfulness. |
Laurel |
represents the "evergreen" memory of the deceased. |
Lily of the
Valley |
innocence, virginity. |
Lion |
Strength. |
Lotus |
creation and rebirth. Often seen on gravestones and
mausoleums with an Egyptian architecture style. |
Lyre |
Often have a
broken string, symbolizing the end of life. Lyres are
usually found on the graves of musicians. |
Man with
Hourglass and Sickle |
Father Time. An
old man with a beard, holding a hourglass and/or sickle. |
Menorah |
A menorah,
which is a candelabra with seven branches, is a Jewish
symbol. It usually marks the grave of a righteous woman. |
Moon |
Rebirth. A
crescent moon and star symbol like the one pictured here is
also a symbol of Islam. |
Moon with
Seven Stars, the letter "R", and a dove |
Symbolizes a
member of the Daughters of Rebekah, the female auxiliary of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. |
Morning Glory |
Symbolizes the
Resurrection; also beauty, youth, and love. |
Mortar and
Pestle |
Usually found
on the gravestones of pharmacists, and sometimes doctors. |
Music |
Usually found
on the graves of musicians. The music can be from a song the
musician wrote, or it could be the deceased person's
favorite hymn. |
MWA stands for
Modern Woodmen of America. This was the original name for
the Woodmen of the World organization. |
Oak Leaf |
Longevity (long
life). Deborah, a website visitor, told me that in the
Native American culture an oak leaf represents an Algonquian
grave. |
5-Pointed Star |
Order of the
Eastern Star, a fraternal organization for women. |
O.S.C. |
Order of
Scottish Clans. A fraternal and benevolent society that was
founded in 1878. They provided life and disability insurance
to Scottish immigrants and their descendants. They became a
part of the Independent Order of Foresters in 1971. |
Owl |
watchfulness. |
Ox |
strength. |
P of H |
Patrons of
Husbandry, also known as the National Grange. An
agricultural organization. |
Palette and
Brushes |
Usally found on
artists' gravestones. |
Palm Tree or
Frond |
Victory over
death. |
P.A.P. with
Moose |
Loyal Order of
Moose (LOOM), a fraternal organization. P.A.P. stands for
their motto: Purity, Aid, and Progress. |
Flower |
Christ's passion. |
Piano |
Most likely
symbolizes someone who was fond of playing the piano. |
Pitcher |
Often found on
graves of prohibitionists. Represents virtue and control.
If it is found on a Jewish grave, it symbolizes a Levite, a
person who was responsible for cleaning the hands of the
Temple Priest. |
sometimes with crown and shield |
Symbol of the
Pythian Sisters, a fraternal organization for women. The
letters PLEF stand for their motto: Purity, Love, Equality,
and Fidelity. |
Plow |
A plow
symbolizes the harvest; the reaping of life. |
Poppy |
symbolize eternal sleep. |
Portrait |
Usually a
portrait of the deceased. |
Rabbit |
gentleness, self-sacrifice. |
Rifle |
Usually found
on the graves of military members and hunters. |
Rooster |
Symbolizes an
awakening, or calling attention to the person's death. It
also symbolizes vigilance. |
Rosary |
Almost always
found on Catholic gravestones. Symbolizes devotion to Mary
and constant prayer for the deceased person. |
Rose |
beauty. |
Saint Aldemar
Commandery |
A Knights
Templar organization. Masonic. |
S.A.R. |
Sons of the
American Revolution, a fraternal society that was organized
in 1899 for male descendants of American Revolutionary War
veterans. |
Scales |
Often marks the
grave of someone who was in the legal profession. Sometimes
seen with a statue of Saint Michael, which symbolizes his
duty of weighing the souls of the departed. |
Scarab |
An Egyptian
symbol of spontaneous creation. Also symbolizes the renewal
of life. |
Scroll |
Symbolizes the
scriptures. |
Seal of Ohio |
Ohio's state
seal. |
Shell |
Baptism or
rebirth. |
Shih Tzu of
Fo |
Guardians of
Buddah. |
Ship |
Ships are
usually found on the graves of sailors. Many times they are
found on graves of people who died at sea. They sometimes
symbolize Noah's Ark, the ship that weathered the storm
against all overwhelming odds. |
Shoes |
Empty shoes
symbolize the loss of a child. Usually one shoe is
overturned. |
Sickle |
Reaping of
life. |
Skull |
Death and
mortality. A winged skull symbolizes the ascension into
heaven. |
Skull and
Crossbones |
Death. |
Child |
A sleeping
child is a Victorian symbol for death. |
Snake, hooped |
eternal life - no beginning, no end. |
entwined by two snakes |
A caduceus,
which is a short herald's staff entwined by two snakes
(serpents) in the form of a double helix. Symbolizes someone
who worked in the medical profession. |
Snake wrapped
on a cross with "In Hoc Signo Vinces" |
The Masonic
brazen serpent, a symbol of the 25th Degree Masons. |

Soldier on
Horse |
A soldier's
grave. If the horse has both front legs in the air, the
person probably died in battle. If only one leg is raised,
the person probably died as a result of wounds. And if the
horse has all four legs on the ground, the person probably
died of natural causes.
Stacey, a website visitor, contributed additional
information regarding this symbol:
Traditionally, in statuary, when a figure is seen atop a
horse in memorial, there are the three meanings: two or more
feet raised - death in battle. One leg raised fully off the
ground - death from wounds suffered in battle. Standing
square or at rest - death of natural causes. This is
typically the accepted formula for any equine statue/carving
offered in memory of a deceased. |
Sphinx |
represents strength and protection. |
Square and
Compass |
Usually have
the letter "G" in the middle. Found on gravestones belonging
to members of the Freemasons (Masons). |
Star |
A five-pointed
star represents the Star of Bethlehem.
A six-pointed star represents creation. |
Star, Cross,
and Shepherd's Crook |
Symbol of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem. Often seen with the phrase "In
Hoc Signo Spes Mea," which translates to "In this Sign (the
Cross) is my hope." A society for women who are related to
(through birth, marriage, or legal adoption) to a Master
Mason in good standing. Founded in 1894. |
Star of David |
Protection. |
Sun |
A sun
symbolizes the soul rising to heaven. |
Sunburst with
star and cross, Monstrat Viam. |
Symbol of the
First Corps of Cadets, now the 211th Military Police
Battalion. "Monstrat Viam" is Latin for "It Points the Way." |
Sunflower |
Devotion to
God. |
SV |
Sons of
Veterans of the United States of America, a group formed in
1881. They changed their name to the Sons of Union Veterans
of the Civil War in 1925. |
Sword |
represent martyrdom. Crossed swords are often seen on the
gravestones of veterans, especially officers. |
Crescent, and Sphinx |
Symbol of the
Shriners (The Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order
of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine). The group was founded
in 1872, and can be joined once the member has become a
Master Mason. |
Tablets |
Usually two
tablets joined. This symbolizes the Ten Commandments. |
Tent |
A symbol used
by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The tent symbolizes
their encampments, which are the three highest degrees
attainable before reaching the highest branch. |
Thistle |
represent earthly sorrow. Also, the thorns on a thistle
symbolize the crown of thorns and the Passion of Christ. In
addition, it is found on many Scottish gravestones. |
Trunk/Stump |
Usually marks
the graves of Woodmen of the World members. Also, they
usually contain other symbols such as anchors, lilies,
vines, etc. Broken braches on the tree symbolize a life cut
short. |
Triangle with
square, spade, and keys |
Symbolizes the
York Rite of Masonry. |
Triangle with
a star in the center |
Symbol of the
Order of the Sons of Temperance, a fraternal organization
that promoted the temperance movement (abstinence and
prohibition of alcohol). Usually seen with their motto:
Love, Purity, Fidelity. |
Triangle with
three T's joined at base |
Symbol of the
Royal Arch Masons (RAM).
Click here for more information about this fraternal
organization. |
Tulip |
Symbolizes love
and passion. |
U.O.A. Druids |
United Order of
Ancient Druids, a fraternal organization. |
Urn |
The soul. |
Union Veterans
League, an organization for Union Civil War veterans. |
Vacant Chair |
symbolizes the death of a child. |
Veteran of
the Cross |
A veteran
member of the Methodist Church. |
Woman's Benefit
Association, a club for women that provided life insurance.
Part of the Order of the Maccabees. |
WC |
Woodmen Circle,
the female auxiliary to the Woodmen of the World. |
Weeping Woman |
sorrow. |
Wheat |
A sheaf of
wheat represents harvest, usually found on older peoples'
gravestones. |

Willow Tree |
Sadness or
mourning. Deborah, a website visitor, told me that in the
Native American culture a willow tree represents an Iroquois
In May 2008, Peggy Wang sent me some additional information
regarding the weeping willow symbol:
The first half of the 19th century was quite interested
in the Greeks and Romans because they were republics and we
were a new democracy. There was a great interest in Greek
architecture during that time as well, up till around middle
of that century. So naturally, gravestones reflected this.
The urn and willow, as you probably know, was very popular.
The urn was used by Greeks to keep the ashes of the
cremated, but why the willow? Well, it was a symbol of the
Underworld goddesses, mostly notably Persephone. Also,
Orpheus, when he went to the Underworld, brought along a
willow branch. This apparently helped him get his gift of
speech because, as you might know, Orpheus was a famous
poet. |
Winged Lion |
Saint Mark, one of the four evangelists. |
Winged Ox |
Saint Luke, one of the four evangelists. |

Winged Solar
Disk |
An Egyptian
symbol that represents the journey of the sun and the
spiritual attributes of the heavens.
Derek R., a website visitor, sent me the following
information about this symbol:
This is a Zoroastrian symbol symbolizing many things. As
a whole, it symbolizes the soul without physical form. It is
also a symbol of divine power. If there is a human figure
rising out of the disk, it represents either god or the
person who died. The human figure is usually aged indicating
wisdom. The three rows of feathers represent good words,
good thoughts, and good deeds. If there is a tail, it will
have three rows representing bad deeds, bad thoughts and bad
words positioned underneath symbolizing rising above these
things. If there are two streamers, feet, or snakes, they
represent the spirit of good and the spirit of evil with the
human soul in the middle constantly having to choose between
the two. |
Clinging to Cross |
Usually found
with the verse "Rock of Ages cleft for me" or "Simply to the
cross I cling." Symbolizes faith; A person or soul who is
lost in the sea of sin, whose only hope is to cling to
Christ's cross (the Rock of Ages). |
Woman Holding
Anchor |
hope. |
Woman Holding
Cross |
faith. |
Woodmen of
the World |
Seen on the
gravestones of Woodmen of the World members, a fraternal
organization. |
W.R.C. |
Women's Relief
Corp. It is the female auxiliary for the Grand Army of the
Republic. |
Wreath |
Victory in
death. |
overlapped |
The Chi-Rho,
one of the oldest Christian symbols. XP are the first two
letters of the Greek word for Christ. |