The Paranormal Pup ~ Fountain Inn, SC
Everyone has heard remarkable stories of the
extraordinary feats pets are capable of performing...the cat who dialed 9-1-1
when it's owner was having a heart attack or the dog who awakened the family in
time to save them from a burning home. Amazing indeed, but not without some
precedent. It has been documented that animals possess an ability to predict
natural phenomena, for instance, horses become agitated prior to an earthquake
or birds take to wing from an area preceding a volcanic explosion. One need only
examine folklore to find numerous tales of animals as climate indicators or to
be observant of wildlife behavior to predict approaching bad weather. In winter
I mustn't be told to stock up on bread and milk in advance of a snow or ice
storm. I already have...the little snowbirds combing my lawn for tasty seeds and
insects gave me notice well before the local meteorologist.
Yet do animals and the paranormal have anything in
common? In short, YES! A library could be filled the stories of brimstone
breathing stallions galloping atop fiery hooves, demonic hell hounds baying doom
for unwary souls, slit-eyed witch cats spitting curses and Dracula's bats, rats
and wolves, but you're probably thinking those stories are just make-believe and
don't mean anything, and you're perfectly right. Literary artifices can provide
allegorical entertainment or a good crop of goose pimples, but are not proof of
things supernatural, yet serious paranormal researchers can document case after
case of pets which do react to spirits stirring up the family home. Indeed it is
often the pets which give the first indication that something unusual is afoot.
Abnormal behavior in an otherwise well-behaved pet such as continuous barking or
growling, whining or cowering, staring fixedly at something unseen and refusal
to go into a particular room or area are all signs that spirits may be actively
haunting a location.
When the Ghost PRO team received an e-mail asking
for assistance, the case managers followed up with a personal interview where
additional details were revealed. The clients were life-long friends, yet had
only become roommates in the past three months. The commonalities each shared
were notable. Both had been touched by close family tragedies, one losing a
parent, the other a sibling to suicide many years past. Each had a medical
history that necessitated regulatory prescriptions, one for hypertension and
migraines, the other for a degenerative heart condition which had already caused
multiple heart attacks and required a dozen stent implantations. Separately each
had previously experienced paranormal events in other locations which had made
them ardent believers in the supernatural, and each was an enthusiastic and
compassionate pet owner.
The pets, an adult Labrador and a three month-old
miniature Chihuahua, resided in the dwelling and were well-behaved, however an
especially deep bond had developed between the Chihuahua pup and the clients as
it was a special needs animal. Just after its birth an accidental injury had
caused total blindness, yet as in similar cases (both human and animal) where
the remaining senses compensate for the loss of one, the pup was well-adjusted,
moving freely about the home and surprisingly un-shy around the Ghost PRO
When purchasing the property
in the early nineties, the homeowner had searched the site's history for the
past hundred years and nothing unusual had been revealed, the area having once
been predominantly farmed for cotton production. A deeper search by the Ghost
PRO team revealed that several bloody Revolutionary War battles had been waged
in the county. Prior to the colonial era the area had been the ancestral home to
various tribes of native Cherokee Indians.
The clients discussed how no unusual activity had
been noted beyond an occasional feeling of being observed, the displacement of
lighters or other small objects, and a frequent need to replace blown light
bulbs in one of the bedrooms, however, all of these symptoms could be explained
through natural means, too. It was related how several years past, during a
slumber party, the daughter of the homeowner and two friends had awakened during
the night to see a man standing over them in the bedroom, but a thorough check
of the entire house revealed no male intruder. Still, the daughter switched
The event that prompted the call to the Ghost PRO
team was explained as follows: On the evening of February 19, 2009, the chihuahua began to exhibit previously unobserved advanced aggressive behavior
characterized by growling, barking, agitation, circling and snapping at the
occupants. He was described as "though his hindquarters were being pushed down
by an unseen hand" and his attention seemed to be focused on a point near the
ceiling peak above the hallway entering the aforementioned bedroom. This
immoderate episode lasted roughly four hours between eight and midnight at which
time through the combined efforts of the clients to alleviate his duress and the
animal's own physical exhaustion, it ceased. Though the Ghost PRO team felt this
unsettling activity could be explained by natural means, it was voted to assign
an investigative team as it is part of our mission to resolve unanswered
curiosities that might not have a paranormal origin.
The evening of March 21, 2009 began with the team
taking base temperature and EMF readings along with photographs of each room
before conducting a contact session in the bedroom where activity had been
noted. Other than some minor dust orbs, nothing manifested. The team brought the
pup into the room to see if his presence might provoke anything, but the only
thing that occurred was his tinkling on the foot of one of the investigators
which caused quite a bit of hilarity. Deciding to attempt another session in the
living room the team and the clients were seated around a glass coffee table in
the center of the room atop which lay the EMF meter well away from any
electrical sources. Almost immediately with the first question asked, the EMF
meter began to blink, beep and give out elevated readings. To insure that no
explainable interference was the cause, another sweep of the area was performed
with no notable variations. The meter was repositioned and once again immediate
results were obtained as soon as the questioning began.
Quite specific answers were received to "yes" and
"no" queries, such as "Are you male?" No reading. "Are you female?" Reading of
4. "Are you Cherokee?" Reading of 5. "Are there others with you?" Reading of 3.
"Do you wish anyone present harm?" No reading. In the excitement of having such
a reciprocal "conversation", both team members and clients neglected to allow
sufficient time for response, yet even with rapidly fired questions running
together, answers were given and appropriately corresponded to the sequence in
which they were asked! EVPs captured during the session bear out the results
and, at one point during the most intense portion of the Q&A recording, a static
interference came into play which is quite irregular in digital media. Further
substantiation came from a Ghost PRO investigator with clairsentient abilities.
Her impressions of a young female native American were quite strong.
Wrapping up the evening, the team was excited about
the unexpected results, but were hesitant to make any declarations until all of
the accumulated evidence could be thoroughly analyzed. It was during the review
phase that a photograph surfaced that shows a distinctly pink heart-shaped orb
in motion. Subsequent comparison of other photographic evidence failed to reveal
anything similar or any object that could by way of reflection or color account
for the anomaly. Additional research into animal behavior did turn up several
reasons for the pup's unusual antics however, the most likely being a seizure
disorder which is not uncommon with smaller, frailer breeds. The clients, of their own initiative, also did some research into Cherokee tribal names and lore and dubbed their unseen guest "Taponi" (Tay-pon-ee), a name which means "the important one", and welcomed the spirit into their home. Although Ghost PRO does not advocate recognition of an entity as it might adversely cause an increase of unwanted activity, in this case the results have been mutually satisfying. The activity has decreased significantly. There have been no more blown bulbs, no more disruptive episodes with the pup, and the clients feel as though there is a sense of protective harmony about the home that was not noticed before the investigation. Can this be proof of the adage that "Ghosts were people too"? Everyone likes a bit of attention now and then! ```LadyJem
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Photos: View a clip here! (More video content to be added to the clip soon.) |