“Shall any gazer see with mortal eyes, Or any searcher know by mortal mind? Veil after veil will lift - but here must be Veil upon veil behind” ~~Edwin Arnold
Through the Veil Paranormal and
Metaphysical Conference 2010
Atlanta, GA
This year's second Through the Veil Paranormal and Metaphysical Conference in Atlanta, attended by Ghost PRO team members Cat and Mariel, was as great as -- if not better than -- the first. It presented an opportunity for us to learn from some of the most knowledgeable minds in the business on the subject of the paranormal. Also, Mariel joined in on a ghost hunt at famed Anthony's Fine Dining Restaurant, led by John Zaffis, the "Godfather of the Paranormal", and was able to film the capture of many EVP. 2010 Through the Veil Ghost Hunt at Anthony's -- Spirit Likes Technology
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About Anthony's
The establishment chosen for our ghost hunt led by
John Zaffis was Anthony's Fine Dining, famous for its food, its 200 years of
rich history, and....its ghosts. Read about Anthony's ghost lore
Through the Veil 2009 Conference
story and photos