Horsing Around at
Poinsett Bridge
Ghost PRO team was intrigued by this recounting of a reader's own
experience at Poinsett Bridge. Whether or not it is paranormal, we
can not say, as we were not here with Dan, the writer. But Dan's
experience is not entirely unfamiliar to us......
"After I had an interesting experience yesterday at the Poinsett Bridge
in Greenville County, SC, I decided to peruse the web to see what I
could find and stumbled upon your site.
I live about 10 miles as the crow flies from the Poinsett Bridge and had
never visited the site before in the nearly 20 years I have lived in the
area (I'm
actually in Polk County, NC). So, on a whim I decided to traipse over
from the farm with my horse and horse trailer and satisfy my historian's
natural curiosity (my degrees are in History) and get some good riding
in at the same time. I had never heard anything about any supernatural
activity at the bridge until I spotted your website. What happened
yesterday was somewhat unsettling after the fact (and after a friend
told me that I had experienced one of the ghosts there), and prompted me
to do some research.
At any rate, I visited the bridge at about 2:30 PM yesterday (weather:
about 38degrees, clear, sunny, no wind) and started snooping around. I
was on horseback and tied the horse off so I could wander around and
take a few pictures. At first, a few text-book phenomena occurred: I
took a few pictures with a digital camera (fresh batteries) and the
batteries went dead as a door nail. I replaced the batteries, booted up
the camera, took two more pictures and – whammo! -- the batteries went
dead. Third set of batteries and the same thing happened again. Being
ever the skeptic, I blamed the engineers who designed the camera, of
After complaining to myself out loud about modern technology not made in
the US, I walked to the far side of the bridge. It was then that I
clearly (just like someone was standing behind me about two feet away)
heard a female voice, "William?" (it was like someone was asking a
question). The horse stared straight at me over the center of the
bridge to me with her ears forward. The horse appeared to hear it too.
Chalking it off to the 'babbling brook' phenomenon, I remounted the
horse to ride back to the trailer. I got on the asphalt road and head it
again, but this time it said, "Willie". The horse spun around to look. I
rode towards the bridge, across the bridge and back and heard nothing
more. Oddly enough, it didn't spook the horse but got its attention, and
mine also, I might add. My reaction was mostly curiosity but I do have
to say, I was suddenly struck with a sense of 'dread' for lack of a
better term. Actually, it was like I was sensing someone else's sense of
dread (like you are witnessing someone else in distress).
I've always been a skeptic about the paranormal. I did some work about
25 years ago with a few friends who insisted upon investigating
paranormal activities but only saw a few very strange incidents that
couldn't be explained (lots of 'technical' evidence but no real
definitive personal experiences to correlate with the evidence). This
incident yesterday was purely 'personal' and the reactions of the horse
seemed to indicate that the horse heard it too. I've witnessed a lot of
events that would be considered 'paranormal' but nothing that would
leave me the least bit phases (but sent other people running for the
hills, so to speak). The disembodied voice at the bridge wasn't anything
that would bother me except this incident has been, pardon the term,
haunting me, because it gave me the distinct impression that something
was trying to communicate with me. Dumb-ass me, I didn't think
about trying to talk to whatever it was. I just wrote the whole thing of
as something in the environment playing tricks with my senses. Best regards, Dan"