Alice came to a
fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
found your site through a Google search. I snapped this photo during the big snow event we had here in Greenville last winter.
I was merely taking pics of the snow, and
something strange showed up in the photo. I have always wanted
to send it to an expert to see what it might be....paranormal
or not. Please tell me what you think.I am 99.9% sure there was
no one standing there. I was standing outside of my apartment door
under a small overhang. If someone was standing in the hall, I would
have seen them. It was like a ghost town out there that night.
No pun intended! There are other pics
in the succession of photos that I took that are clear. That was
the only strange one. When I saw it I sent it to my mom thinking
it was weird...then I wrote it off. Today I was watching some
paranormal shows and I saw other photos with similar phenomenon.
I remembered my picture and thought I would send it to a pro for
analysis. Having said all of that...I have no clue what it
is. It doesn't show up in the rest of the pics. I could send
them to you. My mom said it's Jack Frost! Let me know if
you need any info. I have had many paranormal experiences in my
life. I seem to attract it! UGH!
Thanks for sending on the photograph. It is always exciting to
see an interesting photo
and to analyze it. Was this taken near your home? Was there by
chance anyone standing
off-camera to the right of the mist who may have been smoking or
breathing heavily into
the atmosphere? Do any other photos show this might be the case?

is a photo of cigarette smoke that we created
Paranormal?...or Not:
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