Resident Skeptic - Mechanical Inspector I'm a native of upstate New York, but according to my friends I'm not just any New York Yankee, but 'a damned Yankee', because I came south and never returned. I always laugh when I hear that!...and yes, I answer to "Yank"... probably half of them don't even know my real name is Keith! My contributions to Ghost PRO mainly come from my background in construction and design engineering. In college I worked for IBM and Pratt-Whitney, but discovered I wasn't the office cubicle sort. By trade I'm a master plumber and a master gas & utilities pipe fitter, but I've been in the building industry for 30 years, so whether it's residential, commercial or industrial, I know how a structure is put together. I can look at a set of drawings and tell if and where changes have been made over the course of time. I know the materials used, how all the different systems are supposed to go in, how they work and the sounds they are capable of making. Janet, my wife, and the other ladies on the team sometimes ask me whether a sound or noise they've picked up could be caused by such and such or if it might be something else that could be explained structurally. Ninety percent of the time I can give them a definitive answer or at least a possible explanation. I hate to burst their bubble like that, but it's the other ten percent that I can't answer for which really make their days. I also do safety checks for them. Some of the places they go into are really hazardous. Neither they nor I want them coming to any harm that could have been avoided by a bit of early checking things out, and of course, there's always the snakes and spiders element. They'll face down a ghost in the pitch dark, but they're not thrilled with crawling around in an attic or basement where other things might be crawling too. I do it all the time, so it doesn't bother me. I can't say that I believe in ghosts or spirits or anything like that, however I do think that sometimes there are just things that can't be explained. Janet and I have this sort of psychic connection. We'll finish one another's sentences or she'll say something just as I was thinking of it. That probably comes from being married for over twenty years or maybe not. She's always telling me she knows me better than I know myself! The only truly weird experience I've ever had was one time back in New York. Some of my high school friends and I were riding snowmobiles and we came across this old two-story abandoned house. You have to understand that because it was a small farming community, everyone knew everyone and because we hunted, scouted, fished, did all the outdoor stuff, we knew the countryside really well, but this house was one we'd never come across before. So we pull up, get off and start looking around. We thought it might be a past hide-out for Baby Face Nelson, the gangster from the 30's. His aunt Fannie lived in the area and he'd been known to lay low at her place sometimes before he'd been killed years before. We go in, and there's no stolen money stashed or dead bodies, but the place was just really quiet, and not a normal kind of snow quiet either. We got spooked and headed out the door, but our snowmobiles weren't in the front where we'd left them. We ran around the place and there they were in back. The strangest thing was that there were absolutely no tracks where they had been moved...no footprints, no ski tracks, nothing. Ours were still in the front from earlier, but there wasn't a single snowflake out of place back there. We all knew we hadn't gotten the front and back confused either. It was like the house had been picked up and turned around while we were in it. We hopped on our rides and got out of there, but the whole thing kept bothering me, so the next morning I called the guys, but only one of them would go back with me. We went straight there, even saw our tracks from the day before, but I swear the house wasn't there. It just wasn't there...no foundation, no walls, no nothing...not even a brick or a piece of wood. I've looked for that house ever since. Even now when I go home to visit, I still look for it, but I've yet to find it again.
Back to Meet the PRO Team page Who We Are: Based in upstate South Carolina, Ghost PRO is a non-profit paranormal research organization whose goal is to assist those who are experiencing unexplained activities in their homes or businesses. Through careful observation, in-depth research, investigative data collection, and unbiased analysis, we attempt to provide an explanation for the events being experienced. Our team members are dedicated individuals who all share a deep interest in the paranormal. In our everyday guises, our careers include college training coordinator, educator, customer service rep, medical office coordinator and homemaker; yet when the Ghost PRO team gathers to conduct an investigation, a pool of incredible talent is formed that utilizes the gifts of our sensitivities and our capacity for logical reasoning from within a creative perspective. Our
Through historical research, team investigations, and scientific analysis, the Ghost PRO team wants to determine and understand the unexplained and paranormal events that are not uncommon for many people. The Ghost PRO team will approach every situation with an attitude of learning, professionalism and utmost respect for the client as well as the subject of the investigation. The Ghost PRO Team will reveal their findings in a professional and timely manner and have gained knowledge in the quest to understand the unexplained. Our Vision: The vision of the Ghost PRO team is to help people who are burdened, concerned, or curious about the paranormal phenomena happening in their lives.